Thursday, 9 February 2012

Mummy you've got wobbly bits

As Children my mum always read The Large family to us, and in turn we read them to our children. I always loved this book where Mrs Large made the whole family diet with her, only to sneak down at night time to eat chocolate cake.

So according to the scales I am my version of Mrs Large. Yes you guessed it they have been lying to me again!!! I mean how dare they tell me I've put pounds on, I mean as if my legs rubbing and clothes not fitting wasn't enough. It had to go and show me figures and rub numbers in my face.

So look at me all ready to go jogging in whats left of the snow. I'm being very brave showing you me in my running gear. But hey I'd only be kidding myself if I didn't as I don't go running in the house So either way I will be seen.
 My lovely daughter assures me I'm not fat, as she's been looking at old pictures and found one of me when " WOW MUM you really were fat"

Yes I was blown up slightly but I think she is taking the WOW bit
 too far.( I mean how can she talk at least I'm smiling in the picture, unlike her)

So eating healthy is the new motto.

I'm sure running around in carrot coloured tops and eating carrots will have me trim in a jiffy. Hmm the word jiffy reminds me of jaffa cakes. Oh dear how will I survive.

Check back for more details I've a deadline for when the weight needs to go and find a new home to live and It's the 25th of February Eviction day, wish me luck.


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