It was my weekend with crazy mini me this week.
She was so happy and full of beans...... until it was time to be styled... so Sienna has the same pair of skinny cords from gap in three colours. She put her self in the beige jeans earlier in the week. However when I put the white ones out to wear on Saturday we came head to head. Her response was"Noooooooooooo I cant wear those ones.... They feel different on my skin than the other ones... I don't think they do fit the same... I hate them..."
I left her to get dressed when I came back I found her like this...
She was fully dressed in everything even her hat...well not everything she had everything BUT her jeans on.When she finally got dressed she found her jeans were so uncomfortable she couldn't bend her legs to go down or up the stairs.
However she sat down fine in the car and lapped up all the compliments she got from my siblings.
So we went on a family shopping trip to Bicester Village a designer outlet village. So on the way up me and Red magazine had some quality time. I was enjoying my quality time so much that when we stopped for petrol and my sister asked me to open the door I pressed the hazard lights.
Miss Skinny Jeans aka Sienna said " Mother she asked you to open the door....You see a triangle and the door yet you go for the TRIANGLE whats with that" Yep the cheeky one returned.
Then she fell asleep... I don't quite understand how she felt comfortable enough to sleep in her skinny jeans. I was confused as to how she even sat down.
We arrived all rested and ready to shop.
Sienna wears- Gap hat,Zara trench,vintage fur cape,Gap cords,H&M Chelsea boots.
Nanny wears- Vintage from head to toe.
My sister and the lovely Parie Don
Parie Don has to be my Favourite dressed little man... I always thought
dressing a boy would be boring. But he has clothes even I'd love to wear.
Everything he's wearing is from Zara for kids apart from his Next hat.
It was such a sunny day the sunnies had to come out and enjoy the shine. I'm so obsessed with double denim and denim in general at the moment.
Vintage Kangol hat,Ray bans, Vintage fur,Muubaa Leather jacket,Gap denim shirt,Gap over sized grey jumper,Topshop Jamie jeans,High top Converse.
My brother and his 2.4 yummy family came along as well. It was Maribella's first time at Bicester Village and the first thing she wanted to see was the baby room so she could feed.
We were all ready to go find some bargains..
Ali wears-Zara boots,jeans and jean jacket with her Next fur waist coat.
But none of us were as ready as the girls.
They were showing us what we should buy in the adult shops and in the kids shops sienna said " Please someone show me something I'm not going to love! I LOVE everything in this shop."
Alizaya raced into Ralph Lauren she had pocket money to spend. In there was where she planned to spend it.
The girls and Parie both left the shop happy.
Alizaya got a lovely Cardigan and a classic cream pullover.
Sienna got a denim dress and Parie Don got the most.. a blazer, Rugby tops,A white shirt and a hoodie. He always seems to leave the shop with the best finds.
We went to Pret A Manger for sandwiches before we hit the road.
On the way back to the car we spyed this cute little dog in it's own pushchair her name was Taco Bell.
We hit the road again and passed through Henley to go to my brother's favourite sweet shop.
It was a lovey shop that hadn't changed since it was opened. Above is the little girl who grew up with the dream to own a sweet shop.
We are such big kids... how could I not resist a visit back to the days of popping candy.
We ended the day at my brother with fish and chips.It was the perfect end to our day.
Miss Skinny jeans had a fun day running, jumping ,skipping and receiving compliments on how nice she looked.
I said to "Sienna you wasn't ready for those jeans this morning were you? " she signed rolled her eyes and said "Mother .....everything you think I'm not ready for..... I'm ready for. Believe me"
Hmmm.... my told you so didn't get received how I expected.... cheeky monkey.